Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones 2.0

It seems I've chosen this week to pay my own work some attention. I'm certain you'll indulge me as I do not do this often or as often as I should. The cover for Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones, although cute and proper, quickly ran its course with me. I've grown tired of it more than … Continue reading Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones 2.0

#Free Story Full of Feels

If I’ve never said it before I’ll say it now. You can get Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones for ‪free‬ if you subscribe to my very infrequent newsletter. Yep, you’re getting a story full of feels plus you’ll get to hear about new happenings before the rest of the world. Damn, you might even get special price … Continue reading #Free Story Full of Feels

Bullies and Seals Discounted!

It is normally chaotic in the mornings here, but this morning progressed into a completely alternate reality. My daughter had a friend sleep over because, you know, it was her birthday yesterday, and Vanesse had to prepare for her trip to Europe, so this morning felt like a star going supernova. Why you ask? My wife is, as … Continue reading Bullies and Seals Discounted!

Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones is Live!

And Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones is live. Of course the timing is perfect for Cyber Monday. Personally I don't think it's a bad story. Then again, I might be biased. Fortunately for me you can tell me if Bullies is a good story and that way we can cure me of my bias. And … Continue reading Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones is Live!

Cover Reveal: Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones

I accidentally wrote a short story called Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones. Date of release is set for 1 December 2014. This tale is a bit different to my usual genres of fantasy and the supernatural. It’s about bullying and about how it feels to be bullied. The plot description is pretty succinct: A tale about … Continue reading Cover Reveal: Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones

Why do I write the books I write? – Venture Galleries

I have a post live at Venture Galleries today. It's about honesty in writing and about the books I write, and why I write them. Also, I'm publishing my short story, Bullies and Soggy Soup Bones end of this month. I've made some changes, fleshed it out some, and had critical eyeballs scrutinize it. Still … Continue reading Why do I write the books I write? – Venture Galleries