The Emperor of Dreams: The Literary Cycles of Clark Ashton Smith

Clark Ashton Smith was considered one of the big three of Weird Tales, along with Robert E. Howard and H. P. Lovecraft, and was a member of the Lovecraft Circle.

A Master List of Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors

My intention was to capture a go-to list of authors that I can read, from various subgenres of fantasy and science fiction, and mostly from eras when a good story was considered more important than ham-fisted activist drivel masquerading as plot.

Pulptastic: StoryHack Action and Adventure, Issue 1

Why do I like pulp stories? I'll tell you why. They are tales filled with plot, action, adventure, and happy endings. Well, mostly happy endings. You'll find stories about good guys and bad guys and where good ultimately triumphs over evil, as it should. There is another reason I love the stories of old. We … Continue reading Pulptastic: StoryHack Action and Adventure, Issue 1

Pulptastic StoryHack, Issue Zero is Here!

I want to introduce you to a new up-and-coming literary magazine this week. StoryHack Action & Adventure is a modern-day pulp magazine that celebrates pulse-pounding fiction that is fun to read and crosses the genre divide in creative ways. Publisher and editor, Bryce A Beattie's goal is to develop the magazine into a pro-rate paying market. … Continue reading Pulptastic StoryHack, Issue Zero is Here!

Old Memories Revisited

So after unpacking almost 30 boxes of books and magazines last weekend and rediscovering old memories--including a perfectly decent-looking set of Popular Mechanics' Do-It-Yourself Encyclopedia printed in 1968 that belonged to my dad--and their counterpart emotions, I've now compiled 8 small heaps I'll be rereading in the coming weeks. Which also means I won't be throwing them away … Continue reading Old Memories Revisited

The day Raymond Chandler struck back…

I found a wonderful article written by Caleb Pirtle III on Venture Galleries. It's about Raymond Chandler and if you love words or are a Chandler admirer like me, you will find unreserved joy in reading this piece. It deals with rejection and strong opinions. Chandler had a style all his own. I love his voice. The … Continue reading The day Raymond Chandler struck back…