Robert Harris on Writing

I found an article written by author Robert Harris on writing fiction. Harris has penned several bestselling historical novels. I haven't read all his books, and the ones I did read I read in a weird order. My first contact with Harris' work was Archangel, which in turn led me to Enigma, and then, Fatherland. Fatherland … Continue reading Robert Harris on Writing

On Writing Workshops

I just completed my third writing workshop. It made me want to share something with you. Before I started this little adventure online, I never socialized or involved myself in a writing community. I never belonged to a writer's group, offline or on. I read books and wrote my stories and admired talented authors from … Continue reading On Writing Workshops

#Writing Mechanics: Stephen J Cannell’s Rule Number One

I've wanted to post something about Stephen J. Cannell for a while now. Cannell--you may remember his iconic "Stephen J. Cannell Productions" logo recreated above--produced, created, and wrote many television shows during the eighties and nineties. Shows like The A-Team, Hardcastle and McCormick, Riptide, and 21 Jump Street, to mention just a few, which, admittedly, entertained my … Continue reading #Writing Mechanics: Stephen J Cannell’s Rule Number One

#Writing Adventures: Neil Gaiman On Writing

A little while ago I wrote a post titled, "Stephen King on Writing the First Draft". It was an interesting post to write because it allowed me to compare my own experience with advice from King. Today I have a video from Gaiman where he talks about writing generally, but he also includes a section … Continue reading #Writing Adventures: Neil Gaiman On Writing

Stephen King’s Advice On Writing the First Draft

I found a lovely new writer's website the other day and it was by accident, as is always the case, because it featured an old article by Stephen King titled: “Everything You Need to Know About Writing Successfully – in Ten Minutes”. The article is a bit dated with some of the advice maybe not wholly … Continue reading Stephen King’s Advice On Writing the First Draft

Homemade Dictionary (aka Dietrich’s Great Harem of Words)

I should've done this a long, long time ago. The other day while minding my 20-month-old girl, my thoughts drifted to my current WIP, and I wondered how I could make the most of my limited writing time to get more done. For me one of the things that eats a lot of that time is … Continue reading Homemade Dictionary (aka Dietrich’s Great Harem of Words)